国易,成立于新世纪初,位于经济开放的珠三角地带。公司是一家以研发,设计,生产,销售塑胶五金精密模具配件为主的制造商。公司分别在湛江,台湾设有生产基地,总占地面积5000多平方米,员工800多人,技术人员50多人,品检员50多人,另在深圳设有的销售团队和大型的产品储备仓库,从而形成一条完善的供应链。 公司以生产销售各品牌精密模具配件为主,包括DME、DME-EOC、HASCO、CUMSA、STRACK、RABOURDIN、PROGRESSIVE、SUPERIOR,大同等众多标准。主要产品包括:定位类,锁模类,二次顶出类,日期指示类,冷却类,限位类等。公司产品直销浙江,上海,福建,香港,台湾,德国,欧美,日本等众多地区。 公司一直坚持“以诚为本,立异求新,质量,交期准时,满足客户”的经营理念。请让我们一起努力吧!让国易与你携手并进,共创辉煌的模具事业! Guo Yi Mould Parts Co.,Ltd. was established in the new century, located in the Pearl River Delta area with open economy. Our company is a professional manufacturer to research, design , produce and sell plastic parts of metal precision molds based. Our company has production bases both in Zhanjiang and Taiwan, and covers are more than 5,000 square meters, more than800 employees, and technicians are more than 50 people, the member of the more than 50 people in Shenzhen and other professional marketing team and there are large reserves of the product, thus forming a good supply. Our company mainly to sell national brand based precision mold parts, including the Ejector Pin, care pins, flat pins, ejector sleeves, guide posts, guide sleeve, rod, screws, connectors cooling water nozzle, positioning products, locked product, the second top the products. Our products can directly sell to Zhejiang, Shanghai, Germany, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and other regions. We make “to be honest , different , best , punctual ”as our business philosophy. Come on let us work hard together hand in hand to create brilliant careers! ...展开
- 联系人姓名:杜月
- 统一社会信用代码:91440300559876898Y
- 经营范围:一般经营项目是:模具及配件的研发与销售;国内贸易,货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规或者国务院决定禁止和规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外),许可经营项目是:
成效数据 | ||
2793人浏览过 | 1593人索取联系 | 383条客户询盘 |
- 注册资本 实缴资本
- 成立日期 统一社会信用代码
- 组织机构代码 工商注册号
- 经营状态 行业
- 企业类型 所属地区
- 登记机关 核准日期
- 营业期限 人员规模
- 参保人数
- 曾用名
- 企业地址
- 经营范围


- 序号 发布日期 股东名称 采购人
- 1 2024-07-05 化车身铝压铸件关键技钢铝开卷落料线项目术开发项目 7270.0万0万人人民币